Make Powell’s buses an operator of last resort!

We are calling on the mayor and South Yorkshire council leaders to buy Powell’s buses and make it a public bus operator of last resort.

Why is this important?
Our bus services are in crisis. But the closure of Powell’s buses gives the mayor a golden opportunity to stop the bus cuts in their tracks.

If the mayor and council leaders in South Yorkshire agree to buy Powell’s buses, they could make it a publicly owned bus operator of last resort. As a public bus operator, the mayor could run bus services that big private companies have decided to cut in the interests of profit.

his could change the game in South Yorkshire, and put us back on the road to a publicly run bus network, working for passengers not profit.

Use our email action tool to send a message to the mayor and council leaders that you want them to take action and buy Powell’s.

Things have got to change - help us change them by using our email action tool now.

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