Please find below my responses to the Moving Buses Forward consultation, returned as instructed by email to If there are any issues, please contact me by return email.QS1. Are you responding as a?
Member of the public
QS3. Which of these modes of transport do you use on a weekly basis?
QS4. On average, how often do you use a bus in the Liverpool City Region?
Q1. The Assessment concludes that the current bus system is not performing as well as it should. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Strongly agree
Q2. The Assessment concludes that Franchising is the best option for the Combined Authority to meet its strategic objectives for bus transport in the region. For each of the following objectives, to what extent do you think Franchising will help deliver it?
Objective 1. Maximise the contribution of bus services to achieving the economic success and social capacity of the Liverpool City Region (make the most of how bus services contribute to improving the economy and enable people to access opportunities and services).
Fully deliver
Objective 2. Maximise the contribution of bus services to reducing the impact of travel on the natural environment (make the most of how buses can reduce the impact on the environment).
Objective 4. Maximise the passenger benefits of service coordination, ticket integration and information provision across the Liverpool City Region public transport network (give passengers a better experience with buses by making bus services more connected, improving how tickets are used across bus services and other public transport methods, and providing better information about services and timetables).
Objective 5. Support the implementation of measures that improve bus service delivery by addressing factors which may constrain the extent to which bus operators can commit to meet quality or service level standards (support plans to improve bus service standards to make buses run on time more often).
Q3a. Based on the information given, do you agree Franchising will offer value for money to the public sector?
Q3b. Why do you think this?
Q4. The Financial Case sets out the potential sources of funding available to the Combined Authority to deliver Franchising. Do you have any comments?
Q5. The Assessment shows how Merseytravel would manage Franchising in the Liverpool City Region. To what extent do you agree with these plans?
Q6. Overall, to what extent do you support or oppose the introduction of Franchising?
Fully support
Q7a. Do you think Franchising will improve and support the delivery of future improvements for the bus network in the Liverpool City Region?
Improve a lot
Q7b. Why do you think this?
Q8. Do you have concerns about franchising?
I have three main concerns about bus franchising:
QD1. How did you hear about this consultation?
Word of mouth
QD2. Which council area of the Liverpool City Region do you live in?
Prefer not to say
QD3. Which of the following best describes your working status?
QD4. How old are you?
QD5. Do you have a concessionary travel pass (for age or mobility reasons) that entitles you to free or reduced fare in Liverpool City Region?
QD6. If you have a concessionary pass, does it entitle you a free or reduced fare?
QD7. What is your ethnic group?
QD8. How do you describe your gender?
QD9. Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself?
QD10. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a physical or mental health problem or disability?
QD11. If your day-to-day activities are limited, could you please tell me which of the conditions best describe your health issue or disability?